Moment captured by Marius Mariș | |

Lecturer: Phd student Mihai GOȚIU

Course start date: 11.04.2022

The course responds to one of the great challenges of the 21st century, in which specialisations in journalism and environmental communication are both a necessity and an opportunity. The course is intended for professionals and students in the fields of communication and journalism (for specialisation in the environmental field), as well as students and specialists in environmental science and engineering, biology, geography, forestry, political and administrative sciences, economics, law, etc., communicators from non-governmental organisations or public and private institutions (for the acquisition of communication skills).

2nd Edition

Course duration: 11.04.2022-19.04.2022

Data evaluării: 29.04.2022

Date of granting of certificates: 06.05.2022

Course fee: 100 lei

Edition I – 22.11.2021 – 18.12.2021


Introductory-theoretical part

Global and local context. The need and opportunity to specialise in environmental journalism and communication

Background of environmental journalism and communication (nature writing, investigative journalism, science journalism, environmental advocacy and campaigning)

Ethical issues in environmental journalism and communication

Stakeholders (local communities, activists, NGOs, journalists, policy makers and public authorities, lobbying and advertising firms, special interest groups)

Application and case studies

Use of digital technologies (Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, WWF, Save Rosia Montana, Declic campaigns)

Generation of specific content (written, photo, video, pages and online platforms)

Creative solutions (case study: MindBomb campaigns)

Use of social networks (specific content generation, addressability, identification of target groups, methods of audience optimization and expansion, content promotion, social media campaigns)

Surse autorizate în jurnalismul și comunicarea de mediu (capcane: ”societatea civilă convenabilă”, crearea de experți falși, campanii de publicitate etc.)

Mystification/disinformation strategies in environmental journalism and communication (case studies: generating a “controversy”, tobacco industry campaigns, fossil fuel industry campaigns, Roșia Montană case, timber industry lobby)

Press and environmental communication campaigns (case studies: Roșia Montană; genetically modified organisms)

Decontamination guide (steps to effectively deconstructing fake news, the most “viral” false information about the environment and climate change and deconstructing it)


Assessment of knowledge related to environmental journalism and communication (fill in the form before starting the course)

Assessment of acquired knowledge (after the course)

Theoretical presentation

Case studies

Discussions on the topics